Sesiune de certificare MTA 2013

Microsoft Innovation Center – Universitatea Romano-Americana anunta organizarea unei sesiuni de sustinere a examenului de certificare MTA doar pentru studentii Universitatii Romano-Americane in luna ianuarie 2013 pentru urmatoarele tehnologii:

Windows Operating System Fundamentals

Networking Fundamentals

Windows Server Administration Fundamentals


Detalii privind certificatele MTA gasiti la

Resurse de invatare si verificare MTA Student Study Guides MTA Exam Review Kits

Doritorii sunt rugati sa se inscrie in prealabil pe site-ul la

Microsoft Romania Employment Opportunity – Join us through MACH program designed especially for University graduates!

Called the Microsoft Academy for College Hires, or MACH, the program recruits the best and brightest students from around the world for positions in sales, marketing, services within the vast Microsoft organization. Once chosen, MACH participants become full-time employees at Microsoft and are given up to two years of technical, on-the-job training and mentorship.

More details on

Petru Alexandru Ticlea câștigă primul loc al secțiunii IT Challenge

România a fost reprezentată de 4 echipe finaliste – Complex (Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai” și Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca) la secțiunea Windows Azure Challenge, IQube (Universitatea “Politehnică” din Timişoara) la secțiunea Software Design, AVe (Universitatea “A.I. Cuza”din Iași) la secțiunea Game Design: Phone și Petru Alexandru Ticlea (Universitatea Româno-Americană, București) la secțiunea IT Challenge.

Petru Alexandru Ticlea s-a clasat pe locul I în cadrul secțiunii IT Challenge la Imagine Cup, secțiune în cadrul căreia România a obținut rezultate exceptionale în ultimii ani. Lect. Dr. Valy Greavu din Facultatea de Economie și Administrarea Afacerilor a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași a fost invitat în juriul acestei secțiuni. Detalii despre secțiune pot fi obținute de pe această legătură.

Petru Alexandru Ticlea: „Este o experienta ce mi-a schimbat viziunea despre profesionalism si importanta infrastructurilor IT in societatea actuala. Ma bucur ca am putut sa duc numele Romaniei cat se putea de sus si in acelas timp sa ii motivez pe viitorii studenti sa isi urmeze visele – al meu a fost sa castig Imagine Cup si am facut-o!”

În finala acestei secțiuni, studenții au avut de configurat servicii IT on-premises si în cloud și în același timp să asigure și coexistența lor. Specificațiile proiectului au fost scrise pe 12 pagini și intervalul disponibil pentru implementare a fost de 24 de ore. Intensitatea acestei finale a fost transmisă pe larg de către dl. Valy Greavu pe blogul personal. Interviuri cu finalistii pe această legătură.

Echipa Complex, formată din Bogdan Bondor, Cristian Roșu și Paul Sucală, având ca mentor Conf. Dr. Simona Motogna, a câștigat locul al II-lea în cadrul secțiunii Windows Azure Challenge, cu proiectul seedbit, o platformă Web ce folosește serviciile Windows Azure și care facilitează finanțarea și implementarea campaniilor sociale.

Echipa AVe, formată din Alecsandru Grigoriu și Victor Porof, având ca mentor Conf. Dr. Sabin Buraga, s-a clasat între primele 10 echipe din lume la Games Design: Phone cu jocul City Quest.

Echipa IQube s-a clasat între primele 20 echipe din lume la secțiunea Software Design, dintr-un total de 72 de echipe calificate în finală.

Windows Phone Applications delivered by MIC-RAU

The first results of the Microsoft Student Partner teams from the School of Computer Science for Business Management, developed within the Microsoft Innovation Center – Romanian-American University, are now available for download inside the Microsoft Marketplace, as applications for mobile phones using Windows Phone.

You can help the authors by downloading and testing the applications here:

Ninja Typing Speed: 9ea10531e569
Snake: 617a1584fcd6
Pro converter: 2459b29fe943
Whats your horoscope: c8fd0da7f93a
Catch the ball: 45bb67a79d94
Typing Challenge: b473da4172ab
Tic Tac Toe Pro: c8f772f58bd3

Sesiune de certificare MTA

Microsoft Innovation Center – Universitatea Romano-Americana anunta organizarea unei sesiuni de sustinere a examenului de certificare MTA doar pentru studentii Universitatii Romano-Americane, Joi, 9 februarie 2012 ora 10:30-14:30, sala 517. Detalii privind certificatele MTA gasiti la
Resurse de invatare si verificare
MTA Student Study Guides
MTA Exam Review Kits
Doritorii sunt rugati sa se inscrie in prealabil pe site-ul la pentru unul dintre intervalele orare: 10:30-11:30, 11:30-12:30, 12:30-13:30 sau 13:30-14:30.

Aplicatie Certiport!!cid=E1397C2CC0649099&id=E1397C2CC0649099%21196

How to Compete in Imagine Cup 2012

What Are You Waiting For?

The world’s toughest problems will be addressed one solution at a time. But who will lead the change?  Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012 student technology competition and you’ll join thousands of students from around the world who are stepping up to the challenge of global change. It all starts with you.

For Imagine Cup 2012, you can choose from three team competitions—Software Design, Game Design: Xbox/Windows, and Game Design: Phone. If you are already signed up to compete in of the three competitions you can increase your chances to share your world-changing ideas by signing up to compete in the Windows Azure or Windows Phone Challenge.
Are you more of a one person team? No problem, we have challenges for everyone. Check out the IT Challenge and compete-one-on one with some of world’s top student technological brainpower.
Each of the 3 Competitions and the team Challenges asks you to – imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems. Get involved, stand out, and raise your skills. Ready to get started?

Ready to Get Started?

We know you are excited, but before you start building the next solution that benefits people around the globe or that world-changing game, take a few minutes to read the Imagine Cup Official Rules and Regulations.
Next: Register and sign up to compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012 student technology competition, using the steps on this page.
Returning to Imagine Cup? You can skip Step 1 and sign in now using your email address and password from last year. You still need to sign up for the competition or challenge of your choice through your My Profile page.
New to Imagine Cup? Follow these four steps and you are on your way.
Step 1. Register.We need some basic information from you before you can get started.
Step 2. Sign up to compete in one of the competition or challenge categories:
Step 3. Read the Official Imagine Cup Competition Rules and Regulations before you start competing.
Step 4. Start building your solution, game or take your first IT Challenge Quiz.
Need a little inspiration? Read about the Imagine Cup 2012 Theme and follow follow the Imagine Cup Blog to gain access to new training and resources to help you with your project, read about past Imagine Cup competitors’ successes, and get tips and tricks from the captains.

Challenge Yourself to Change the World We know you have the knowledge, the passion, and the drive to make a difference. There are many challenges faced by our world today and even in your local communities. But did you ever imagine that you could help solve these challenges? It’s true, you can! The Software Design competition is all about creating real-world applications and solutions that can help make the world a better place. Using Microsoft tools and technology, competitors can unleash their ideas and technical talent to create cutting-edge software applications. Students will develop, test, and build their ideas into applications that can help solve some of the world’s toughest problems, such as poverty, hunger, gender inequality, environmental sustainability, and access education and healthcare.
Competition Sign Up Deadline – 13 March 2012
Round 1 Starts – 17 October 2011
Round 1 Ends – 13 March 2012
Round 2 Starts – 20 March 2012
Round 2 Ends – Varies by Country/Region
Worldwide Finals – 6-10 July 2012

You’re the Ultimate Game-Changer 3-D or 2-D. Multilevel or single player. The structure of the game is entirely up to you. But the goal all comes back to one thing: using technology to help solve the world’s toughest problems. The Game Design: Xbox/Windows competitions will give you the opportunity to learn the art of video game design and allow you to showcase your talent on the world stage – your first steps toward a career in game development! Changing the world just became a little more fun! See how to get started.
Competition Sign Up Deadline – 14 February 2012
Round 1 Starts – 17 October 2011
Round 1 Ends – 14 February 2012
Round 2 Starts – 21 February 2012
Round 2 Ends – 13 March 2012
Round 3 Starts – 3 April 2012
Round 3 Ends – 3 May 2012
Worldwide Finals – 6-10 July 2012

Show off Your Technical Brainpower Technology is everywhere. The IT Challenge sets out to connect with those students around the world that have the brainpower, interest, and the technical knowledge to design, run, and support enterprise infrastructures while managing diverse customer needs and scenarios. The IT Challenge puts the world’s brightest IT minds to the test!
In the IT Challenge, students are tasked to develop, deploy, and maintain IT systems that are efficient, functional, robust, and secure. Each competitor needs to demonstrate proficiency in the science of networks, databases, and servers and an intimate understanding of how it must all fit together, both on-premise and in the cloud.
The IT Challenge does not require a team, it is an individual challenge.
Competition Sign Up Deadline – 26 January 2012
Round 1 Starts – 17 October 2011
Round 1 Ends – 26 January 2012
Round 2 Starts – 14 February 2012
Round 2 Ends – 27 March 2012
Round 3 Starts – 9 May 2012
Round 3 Ends – 9 May 2012
Worldwide Finals – 6-10 July 2012


Build the Future in the Cloud
The Windows Azure Challenge is about leveraging the Windows Azure platform features to build a web application in the cloud. Be a contributor to the “next big thing” in the technology industry and solve one of the world’s toughest problems at the same time.  Get your smartest friends together, or work on your own and show how one idea can impact the lives of people around the world.  Interested? Check out the full list of Windows Azure features and get started on your web application today.
Competition Sign Up Deadline – 13 March 2012
Round 1 Starts – 18 November 2011
Round 1 Ends – 13 March 2012
Round 2 Starts – 3 April 2012
Round 2 Ends – 3 May 2012
Worldwide Finals – 6-10 July 2012

Get Involved and Make a Difference
Answer the call. Enter to compete in the Windows Phone Challenge and create software that can really make a broad impact in the world. Now is your chance to experiment and make your work available on a mobile device used by millions. Great apps start with strong functionality, add device-focused utility, and finish with an outstanding Windows Phone user experience. Plus you will be able to install the Windows Phone SDK which includes Expression Blend 4 for Windows Phone, Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone Phone Emulator. Your ideas combined with great tools – which one of the world’s toughest problems will you solve?
Competition Sign Up Deadline – 13 March 2012
Round 1 Starts – 18 November 2011
Round 1 Ends – 13 March 2012
Round 2 Starts – 3 April 2012
Round 2 Ends – 3 May 2012
Worldwide Finals – 6-10 July 2012

Resurse de invatare Imagine Cup

Are you certifiable? By Microsoft

Echipa wannabe MSP-RAU

In cele din urma, prima echipa MSP a universitatii Romano-Americane este gata de marea aventura. Din echipa fac parte:

Cristina   Alexe
Clejeneanu   Virgil
Sibel   Demirkaya
Danescu Bogdan
Moraru Patrick   Eugen
Holban Theodor-Mihail
Popa Maria   Magdalena
Dragan Antoniu Claudiu
Balan   Alexandru
Rotundu Bogdan
Petru   Alexandru Ticlea
Motica   George-Teodor
Vasilateanu   Alexandru-Traian
Tudor Mihail   Marin
Gabriel   Teodorescu